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Culture of
Digital Innovation

Accelerate Business Performance by establishing a culture of innovation.

The most successful companies of this digital age have one thing in common, they have a successful culture of innovation. A culture based around understanding and meeting the needs of the market - a marketing orientation.

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Marketing orientation is not a new concept. It has been around for over 30 years. The reason why establishing a culture of marketing orientation is so important for a company in the digital age can be explained by the Law of Marketing Orientation.


This law states that Traditional businesses (commodity businesses) do not show a linear relationship between the level of marketing orientation they deploy and their business performance.


However, Innovation businesses (non-commodity businesses) do have a linear relationship between the level of marketing orientation they deploy and their business performance.


This is shown below.

Law of Marketing Orientation.png

As organisations move away from traditional ways of working and embrace digital, they naturally move into the area of innovation.


Traditional ways of working and archaic structural hierarchies become obstacles, and past knowledge and success become barriers to a successful digital future.


Improving your Marketing Orientation Capabilities is the key to growing at superior scale and speed in the digital age.


It is no surprise at all that today’s leading business performers all have high levels of marketing orientation and that this is now a shared culture across their ecosystems.

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How do you establish a marketing orientation 


Apti Services was formed to answer just this question.


We take the view that to improve the Marketing Orientation capabilities of an established company you need to focus on doing, as opposed to talking and explaining.


We have developed, what we call, the Hot House Approach.​ 


The Hot House Approach is effective at helping cross-functional teams learn how to compete and innovate effectively together, by taking them through a series of exercises designed to build specific marketing orientation capabilities and enhanced ways of working.


Before running "Hot Houses", Apti Services work with our clients to assess their current level of marketing orientation and identify the areas which would have the greatest short term impact. Based on the assessment and the selected focus areas, Apti Services would then define Hot Houses, which could then be converted into HRDF fundable team training.


Team training that would provide short term business benefits, and long term business performance sustainability.


Successful innovation has almost always required organisations to have a marketing orientation culture.


Companies that embrace and improve their level of marketing orientation will reap the rewards as the world becomes ever more digital.

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